Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Pali has set mandates for its activities.
- KVKs organising Kisan Sammelans, Krishi Melas etc. during pre-kharif
- Procurement of soil testing kit
- Farmer fair/programme on PM Fasal Bima Yojna
- Cluster frontline demonstrations of Rabi oilseeds funded by NMOOP
- Cluster frontline demonstrations of Rabi Pulses funded by NFSM
- Training-cum-awareness programme of PPV & FR Act, 2001
- FLD on Safflower
- Training Programme under NMOOP
- NHM, Jaipur (Skill Development Programme
- Demonstration of Climate Resilient IFS Practices under NMSA
- Skill Development Training Course on Quality Seed Grower as per MSDE
- Skill Development Training Course on Gardener as per MSDE
- LBS Award Project CSSRI, Karnal
- Kisan sammelans, kisan melas, kisan ghosties during pre-Rabi
- Establishment of Farm School
Fodder School
Vegetable School
Poultry School - Assessment, refinement, validation and adoption of FLD and other short term researchable issues through KVKs
- Seed production program of arid and semi arid vegetables at KVK Farm, Pali.
- Dissemination of production and protection technologies of fruit and vegetable crops through front line demonstrations at KVK and farmer field
- Project entitled “Livelihood and nutritional security through processing and value addition to the indigenous vegetable mixture (panchkutta) in arid zone of Rajasthan” under funding from NABARD
- Project entitled “Popularization of CAZRI pasture establishment technology for farming communities of Pali district of Rajasthan” under funding from NABARD